Recording in Staffordshire
- Staffs. Rare Plant Register 2022. This new version adds many new records and incorporates the name changes of Stace 4th ed.
- Staffordshire Checklist, 2021. This major revision incorporates all records from Atlas 2020 fieldwork and those of more recent months. It follows the approach of Stace 4th ed.
- Staffordshire charophytes (revised & updated 2022).
Flora of Staffordshire
The previous Flora of vice county 39 was by Eric Edees, published in 1972. A new recording project began in 1998 to collect data, on a tetrad basis, to cover the period 1995-2008. Also to be incorporated was a comparison with Edees’ results and a summary of significant finds during the period 1973-1994. Many botanists took part and it was published in December, 2011. This volume included records of the less common species during 2009, 2010 and the first half of 2011. It is planned to produce annual updates on this website.
- First update, Feb 2012
- Second update, July 2012
- Third update, January 2013
- Fourth update, November 2013
- Fifth update, October 2015
- Sixth update, February 2018
- Seventh update, April 2018
- Eighth update (February 2019)
- Ninth update, July 2023
- Overlay maps (save the file and print onto acetate).
The North Staffordshire Flora, by W.T. Boydon Ridge (1922) is available here for downloading. But beware, it is a large file (28 MB).