County Recorders
South Lincolnshire Flora Group
The South Lincolnshire Flora Group (SLFG) was established in 2012 to try and encourage more people to actively record plants in the vice-county and particularly to provide updated records for the BSBI Atlas 2020 project. In the longer term the group will work towards gathering data for a new local Flora, as there have clearly been many changes since the last one was published in 1974.
Since 2012 we’ve organised a varied programme of field meetings between March and October, in locations including Lincolnshire Wildlife Trust nature reserves, limestone grassland SSSIs, Forestry Commission woodlands and towns and villages. An annual list of field meetings is compiled in late winter, but the final details of date and time are organised via email and Doodle poll. Some members of the group prefer not to attend group visits, but record tetrads independently.
There are many advantages to group visits. We all enjoy learning from each other – each person brings their own knowledge and experience along, as well as lending many pairs of eyes to the plant-spotting. Whether beginner or expert, everyone contributes to recording the flora of our local area. And it’s fun as well!
In-between visits we keep in touch via e-mail and a Facebook group, although not all members choose to use the latter. There is also a blog with reports of field meetings, highlights of interesting plant species found within our recording area (and sometimes beyond) together with occasional identification tips.
If anybody would like to join the group, please get in touch. We’re very happy to welcome new people, whether experienced or not, particularly if they are located towards the northern part of the vice-county!