Introduction to Merionethshire
The county of Merioneth has everything from high, volcanic mountains to the great species-poor uplands of the Migneint, with their specialists such as Carex magellanica and the diminutive orchid Neottia cordata.
The coastal strip with its dune systems and saltmarshes has been well-worked but still provides surprises and new records. There are numerous lakes and wonderful hidden river valleys. The lower slopes of the hills have been largely drained and re-seeded, but there are still lovely bogs and unimproved pastures. There are even the remains of a Carboniferous limestone quarry and a few scattered lime-kilns on the Ordovician ‘limestone’.
We would warmly welcome anyone with time to spare to join the recording group, Merioneth Naturalists/Grwp Natur Meirionnydd. We meet monthly and would be pleased to be joined by any botanists visiting the area.
Mae gan Sir Feirionnydd pob amrywiaeth o gynefinoedd, o fynyddoedd uchel folcanig i ucheldiroedd enfawr asidaidd ar y Migneint, gyda ‘u planhigion arbennig e.e. yr hesgen eurwerdd lefn, Carex magellanica a’r cainerian bach, Listera cordata, sy’n cuddio dan y grug.
Mae ‘r arfordir wedi'i gofnodi'n dda, ond mae'n dal yn bosib dod o hyd i bethau newydd, sydd bob tro ‘n syndod. Mae ’na gymaint o lynnoedd a nentydd rhyfeddol, na wyr neb amdanynt, ac mae'n dal yn bosib darganfod corsydd gwych a phorfeydd heb eu gwella. Mae hyd yn oed dipyn bach o dir galch yn y sir.
Croeso cynnes i bawb sydd am ymuno a Grwp Natur Meirionnydd. Gweler uchod y linc i'r rhaglen
County Recorders
Field Meetings 2024
Here is the field meetings programme for 2024.
Merionethshire Rare Plant Register. 2014. Sarah Stille.
Benoit, P. & Richards, M. 1963. A contribution to a Flora of Merioneth, 2nd ed. West Wales Naturalists’ Trust, Haverfordwest.
VCCC Merioneth - choose from the dropdown list.
Click on the link to download the Recording card.