BSBI depends on a dedicated network of volunteer County Recorders who co-ordinate botanical survey work and organise local and national events. To find out more about botanical activity in your area and to access local resources, please use our interactive map or the links below to go to the individual county webpages. County Recorders are always glad to hear about interesting botanical finds in their county.

Many counties have local groups with their own social media pages and blogs where they share photographs, discuss plant IDs, plan events and chat about interesting plants found in the county. You can also access many botanical/wildlife blogs by BSBI members via our News & Views page.

Note that where there are joint County Recorders, the first named County Recorder in the above lists is the main contact for correspondence. BSBI members can find full postal/ email addresses for all County Recorders in the BSBI Yearbook, which is sent to you when you join and is also available on our members-only pages. If you wish to contact all County Recorders with a request for data, please email our Head of Science to discuss.

If you are new to BSBI - for example, if you've come to us via the National Plant Monitoring Scheme, or #wildflowerhour or the New Year Plant Hunt - please do mention that when you get in touch with your County Recorder. And do check out this page of Helpful Hints to get you started with plant-spotting.