Discover what is happening in your area, and find contact details for the County Recorder(s). Visit the Local Botany page or use the interactive map.

Wales Officer
Alastair Hotchkiss has joined as the BSBI Wales Officer.
Alastair is focusing on our 'Priority Plants on SSSIs in Wales' project (2024-2026), working with botanical recorders to survey and assess plant features on SSSIs in Wales. This project is funded by the Nature Networks Programme. It is being delivered by the Heritage Fund, on behalf of the Welsh Government.
Bluesky Account:
Field Meetings and Wales Annual Meeting & AGM
Details about the 2025 Wales BSBI AGM are here and some 2025 Wales Field Meetings are listed here - but contact your vice-county recorder for details about any local botany group outings that might be happening near you.
BSBI Welsh Bulletin
The most recent (Autumn 2024) Welsh Bulletin is now available: Bulletin 114.
The complete run of the BSBI Welsh Bulletin, current and all back issues from 1964, is now available on the BSBI Welsh Bulletin page.
The Bulletin is produced twice a year and Welsh members of the BSBI automatically receive a copy. News, articles and accompanying photographs for the Welsh Bulletin are very welcome. Please send any correspondence and submissions to
The editorial team are: Receiving editor: Naomi Bloom, Co-editors: Jade Phillips, Sophie Hocking, Museum editor: Sophie Hocking
Records for publication in the Welsh Bulletin should be submitted using this form (Excel format): Record submission form.