Northumberland, 67 & 68

South Northumberland

South Northumberland is a botanically rich county. It is the eighth largest vice county and has a wide variety of habitats including large areas of blanket bog; whin grasslands; large natural lakes; area of metallophyte flora; vast moors, upland hay meadows and ancient woodlands.

The local natural history scene is vibrant and includes the Northumbrian Wildlife Trust, the Natural History Society of Northumberland and a local record centre. There are also specialist groups for all kinds of organisms.

South Northumberland was the birth place of William Turner (c.1508 – 1568), sometimes refered to as the Father of English Botany. Paris quadrifolia still grows in Cottingwood where he wrote it grew in 1551.

County recorders

VC67 South Northumberland: John Richards, Megs Rogers and John O'Reilly

VC68 North Northumberland: Chris Metherell and James Common

County reports for South Northumberland and North Northumberland

Rare Plant Registers

Bog Myrtle

Myrica gale - a characteristic plant of Northumberland. The map below shows its distribution in the county at tetrad scale