Leicestershire, v.c. 55

Leicester Botany Group

An urban botany group for Leicester was launched in January 2024. The group is administered by BSBI County Recorder Russell Parry and BSBI Communications Officer Louise Marsh.

If you would like to be added to the group's mailing list, please email LeicesterBotany@gmail.com. We also have a WhatsApp group, so please include your phone number if you'd also like to be added to that.

Here is the Leicester Botany Group Info Sheet July 2024 - it sets out how we operate and has some helpful links and resources, including some interesting stats about Leicester's plants. A programme for 2025 is in prep.

Local Resources

Click on the link to download a recording card optimised for VC55 (2024 update).

NatureSpot has photographic galleries of local species and identification tips, plus information about local sites.

Leicestershire publications

Kirby, M., 1850. A Flora of Leicestershire. The Flora of Leicestershire. Hamilton, Adams and Co.

Mott, F.T., Carter, T., Cooper, E.F., Finch, J.E.M., Cooper, C.W. 1886. The Flora of Leicestershire. Williams & Norgate.

Horwood, A.R. & Gainsborough, Earl of, 1933. The Flora of Leicestershire & Rutland. Oxford University Press.

Messenger, K.G. 1971. Flora of Rutland. Leicester Museums.

Primavesi, A.L. & Evans, P.A. (eds.) 1988. Flora of Leicestershire. Leicestershire Museums, Arts and Records Service.

Hall, G. (ed.) 2023. Flora of Rutland. Messenger's Supplement. Privately published.

Jeeves, M. 2011. The Flora of Leicestershire & Rutland: Checklist and Rare Plant Register. Available from Leicestershire & Rutland Wildlife Trust.

Hesselgreaves, E, 1973. The Flora of Groby Parish, Martinshaw Wood and Sheet Hedges. Digitised by Stephen Woodward.


Loughborough Naturalists’ Club Quarterly journal Heritage contains a botanical section, written by Stephen Woodward. It summarises records from across VC55 (not just Loughborough) submitted by LNC members.  Most copies are available on the LNC web site. http://www.loughboroughnats.org/heritage/

The Leicester Lit and Phil Soc Natural History Section also has a Newsletter containing botanical articles: https://www.leicesterlitandphil.org.uk/NHS-Newsletter

Rutland Natural History Society publishes Fieldfare and an Annual Report, both containing botanical articles: https://www.rnhs.org.uk/fieldfare-archive/    https://www.rnhs.org.uk/annual-report-archive/

LBRG newsletter Newsletter May 2022.

County Recorders