Kent, 15 & 16

County Recorders

VR15 East Kent: Geoffrey Kitchener and Sue Buckingham

VC16 West Kent: Geoffrey Kitchener

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Kent Botanical Recording Group

The group was formed in March 2010 for the purpose of being a focus for the recording of vascular plants in Kent by: providing a means of contact and communication, open to all who are interested in botanical recording in Kent; and liaising with and supporting other natural history organisations with relevant interests.

KBRG arranges field meetings and forwards records to the BSBI and the Kent and Medway Biological Records Centre.

Having completed a general county resurvey over the ten-year period from 2010, the group is following up issues from that survey and focusing on Rare Plant Register records and Kent Biodiversity Strategy species.

County Recorders' Report

County reports for East Kent and West Kent

Kent Rare Plant Register

Please visit the Kent Rare Plant Register page.

Kent Publications and Periodicals

For newsletters, Floras, reports, lists and more, please visit the Kent Publications page and the Kent Periodicals page, which has issues of Kent Botany and the Kent Botanical Recording Group newsletters.

Identification of Kent plants: Resources by Lliam Rooney