County pages & websites across England
Every county in England has a webpage where you can discover what is happening in your area, and find contact details for the County Recorder(s). Please visit the Local Botany page and use the interactive map or the listing to link through to your county page.
Events in England
To find out about field meetings and indoor events happening in England, please visit the field meetings & indoor events page.

England Officer
Sam Thomas took over as England Officer from Pete Stroh in April 2024.
Sam will be working on support for our County Recorders across England and overcoming barriers to recording, data flow and mobilisation of data.
Tel: 07386 715 939.
England Project
England project LORE (LOst Rarities in England) is now up and running. The project involves looking for plants not seen in a hectad (a 10km x 10km square) for over 20 years and includes elements for everyone, from beginners to experienced recorders.
Options for participation include targeting a local site, habitat, parish or hectad and looking for common, declining or rare plants that have apparently been lost. Guidance on how to get involved is available here.
England Annual Meeting & AGM
The latest England Annual Meeting and AGM was held online in February 2025. More information can be found on our England Annual Meeting & AGM page. A playlist of talks is available including one entitled 'Orchid comings and goings' from Ian Denholm.
English Botanical News
The 2024 issue of English Botanical News is now available. This includes County Recorders' annual reports summarising the most interesting and exciting news from their vice-counties, as well as reports from staff, officers and meetings.
County Recorders' Annual Reports
Every year we ask County Recorders to summarise the most interesting and exciting news from their vice-counties in fewer than 250 words. 2023 reports appear in the 2024 issue of English Botanical News.
England Red List
The Red Data List for England assesses, for the first time, the current state of England’s flora measured against standardised IUCN criteria.
Almost one in five species is assessed as threatened.

The England Red List data are also available as an Excel spreadsheet.