All BSBI Handbooks are now available as eBooks as well as in print!
Follow the links below or visit our eBooks page to find out more.
BSBI Handbooks are acknowledged as being indispensable for the identification of difficult plant groups. 24 BSBI Handbooks have been published so far and there are more titles in preparation.
BSBI members always benefit from money-saving pre-publication offers when ordering their copies.
The following BSBI Handbooks have already been published. A full list of Handbook eBooks is available here; visit Summerfield Books to buy your physical copies.
- Sedges (2007) A.C. Jermy, D.A. Simpson, M.J.Y. Foley & M.S. Porter. eBook / physical book.
- Umbellifers (1980) T.G. Tutin. eBook / physical book.
- Docks and Knotweeds (2014) J.R. Akeroyd. eBook / physical book.
- Willows and Poplars (1984) R.D. Meikle. eBook / physical book.
- Charophytes (1986) J.A. Moore. eBook / physical book.
- Crucifers (1991) T.C.G. Rich. eBook / physical book.
- Roses (1993) G.G. Graham & A.L. Primavesi. *UPDATE* A new Roses Handbook is scheduled for publication in 2025.
- Pondweeds of Great Britain and Ireland (1995) C.D. Preston. eBook / physical book.
- Dandelions of Britain and Ireland (1997) A.A. Dudman & A.J. Richards. eBook / physical book.
- Sea Beans and Nickar Nuts (2000) E.C. Nelson. eBook / physical book.
- Water-Starworts: Callitriche of Europe (2008) R.V. Lansdown. eBook / physical book.
- Fumitories of Britain and Ireland (2009) R.J. Murphy. eBook / physical book.
- Grasses of the British Isles (2009) T. Cope & A. Gray. eBook / physical book.
- Whitebeams, Rowans and Service Trees of Britain and Ireland (2010) T.C.G. Rich, L. Houston, A. Roberts and M.C.F. Proctor. eBook / physical book (out of print).
- British Northern Hawkweeds (2011) T.C.G. Rich & W. Scott. eBook / physical book.
- Evening-primroses (Oenothera) of Britain and Ireland (2016) R.J. Murphy. eBook / physical book.
- Violas of Britain and Ireland (2017) M. Porter & M. Foley. eBook / physical book.
- Eyebrights (Euphrasia) of the UK and Ireland (2018) C. Metherell & F. Rumsey. eBook / physical book (out of print).
- Gentians of Britain and Ireland (2019) T.C.G. Rich & A. McVeigh. eBook / physical book.
- Hawkweeds of south-east England (2020) M.M. Shaw. eBook / physical book.
- British and Irish Hieracium section Foliosa and section Prenanthoidea (2021) T.C. G. Rich & D. McCosh. eBook / physical book.
- Broomrapes of Britain & Ireland (2021) C. Thorogood & F. Rumsey. eBook / physical book.
- Field Handbook to British and Irish Dandelions (2021) A. J. Richards. eBook / physical book.
- Alchemilla: Lady's-mantles of Britain and Ireland (2022) M. Lynes. eBook / physical book.
BSBI's Handbooks Editor is Liz Kungu, to whom enquiries about BSBI Handbooks should be sent.